Mothia Island

Mozia is an ancient Phoenician colony founded in the VII century BC on one of the four islands in the lagoon of the Stagnone (literally big pond) the island of San Pantaleo( name given in medieval times by the Basilian monks who went to live on the island). The name Motya, presumably given by the Phoenicians, means spinning mill and probably comes from wool mills that were opened here.

Like most other Phoenician colonies, the island was a commercial station and had to be used as a quay for the Phoenician ships on Mediterranean routes. Still in the VIII century BC, Greek colonisation began and was concentrated above all on the eastern side of Sicily, so the Phoenicians kept to the western part making Motya grow in importance. In the VI century BC, Motya became involved in the contrast between Greeks and Phoenicians and a protective wall was built to improve the defence of the city.

The inhabitants took refuge in the land colony of Lilibeo, today’s Marsala. The re-discovery of Motya, at the end of the 19th century, is linked to the name of Giuseppe Whitaker, an English nobleman whose family settled in Sicily and started a very profitable business exporting Marsala wine. In fact the Whitaker house was built on the island and is now a museum.

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